I'm Dicson
UI/UX Engineer
Pixel Perfect Front End Developer
Walk with meI am a passionate web developer from India holding more than 10 year's experience.
My passion is to create new kinds of interactive websites. My skills range from Web App Developer, Designer and Photographer.
I started to design things while I was in school and never stopped learning what I love. My style is consistently clean, much like mine Site!
(Please feel free to take a look at all pages on my site and let me know your thoughts.)
I have a knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS (Type Script), Building web Apps with React, and Wordpress, Custom plugins, Features animations, and Coding, Interactive layouts.
Solid understanding of UX and UI design with an emphasis on maximizing usability and also know some knowledge in the back-end Development works.
Skills: Html5, js TypeScript, React, less, Sass, Bootstrap, Gsap, php, Github, Wordpress
My ProjectsDig in more to discover an exciting captures done by me! Also, you are happily invited to utilise those stunning shots by hitting a download...
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Don’t get excited at the earliest, I’ve incorporated my coding skills here